Clara Prats Soler


Clara Prats.jpeg

Full professor

Address: Escola d'Enginyeria Agroalimentària i de Biosistemes de Barcelona
Departament de Física 
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
c/ Esteve Terradas 8, despatx 67
08860 - Castelldefels (Barcelona)


Work phone: +34.93.552.11.07        

Physics degree
PhD in Computational and Applied Physics by UPC


Research interests:

Computational models in tuberculosis and other infectious diseases. Agent- and Individual-based models. Models in compartments.
Individual-based Modelling and simulation of bacterial cultures.  
Updated research activities are accessible at: 

Current teaching:
- 'Modelling and simulation of biological systems' and "Material properties in biological systems" at the last course of Biosystems Engineering Degree at the UPC
- 'Mass transfer in biological systems' at the third course of Biosystems Engineering Degree at the UPC
 - 'Physics' and 'Biophysics' at the first course of Biosystems Engineering Degree at the UPC